Occupy The Rainbow
Prologue During the latter half of 2011, a group of around 8 people, including myself, gathered outside Sheffield City Cathedral to set-up 'Occupy Sheffield'. Many others soon joined us to campaign for a fairer and brighter future for humanity and all the life of our planet. I was part of the liaison group between Occupy encampment and the lawyers who represented the Cathedral. We argued for e.g., portaloos and the right to have a fire which in the end they agreed to due to health & safety risks that would not look good on the Church. In fact, the Occupy camp had already saved one life; a homeless man who (according to paramedics) without our help, would have died of hypothermia on a bench outside the Cathedral. Many of those who visited the Cathedral's day-care centre for the homeless, joined our cause and it was for some of them, a life-changing experience - they gave up the drink & drugs and got the one-to-one help they needed to get off the streets into homes o...