Shadows Of The Windsor Framework

An urgent submission of concerns to the ECHR for consideration on behalf of all the citizens of Northern Ireland in relation to Brexit and the latest proposals via 'The Windsor Framework':

The Windsor Framework 

ECHR: The Aftermath Of Brexit

'It seems probable that the UK is planning to leave the ECHR as well as to replace the HRA in the future. It is still also likely that withdrawing from the ECHR would be detrimental to the protection of citizens’ rights against the state.'

The Windsor Framework/WF could not be possible minus the levels of conspiracy and coercion currently suspected as operating within UK Parliament and in unison with a tightly controlled corporate media spinning the daily propaganda and lies, which first persuaded Britain to vote 'Leave'.

Brexit achieved one major objective, it has empowered the hand of the Corporate Crown i.e. "The Firm"/Trust Fund which is the legacy of Britain's Royal Family. We can look to Canada and other covertly Crown-controlled/"Commonwealth" nations for an example of where the UK is heading as the freshly liberated Corporate Crown flexes its claws unfettered by the demands of democracy, human rights and legal accountability i.e. Criminalisation of effective, peaceful public protests includes powers to seize control over the bank accounts of protestors: How long before the same applies to strikers?

What the orchestrators of Brexit have imposed with consent of Britain's autocracy-by-stealth Parliament, is far worse and far less reported on by both mainstream and independent news pundits; 

The 'Secret Crimes/Spy-Cops' Bill is just one of the many fascist 'laws' the people of Northern Ireland/NI can look forward to 'benefitting' from for sake of the alleged 'benefits' of being able to buy e.g. British cakes containing a food colourant banned in the EU: Titanium dioxide/E171 - no longer considered a safe food additive after EU scientists discovered it has a toxic impact on DNA and accumulates in the human body. 

Concerns focus on the risk that E171 impacts reproductive organs and could or will be, detrimental to the genetics of future generations. So great is this risk that scientists cannot yet determine a 'safe' lowest dose because any amount is a permanent additive into human biology: 

Titanium dioxide: E171 no longer considered safe when used as a food additive

According to the WF, such risks are perfectly reasonable for sake of adding colour to cakes.

Since Brexit is set to scrap virtually all EU health & safety regulations as foundation for a US-trade deal, American foods containing a variety of EU-prohibited additives & agricultural chemicals will also be freely available to 'benefit' the people of NI: 

11 Banned Foods Americans Should Stop Eating

The Framework celebrates the prospects for 'cheap beer' and 'British cakes' returning to NI supermarket shelves and proposes a smoother process of simplified tariffs & checks on trucks carrying produce in and out of NI. When one examines the present ludicrous levels of red-tape & costs around NI exports & imports, it's hard to fathom how any sane individual could have devised them, and it's equally difficult to accept that all such hardship was not inflicted precisely, so a proposal such as the 'Windsor Framework' would by comparison, be desperately welcomed in face of the much worse alternatives, and a no-deal for the whole of the UK.

Behind the flippant 'cake & booze' promises for the average NI citizen, the Framework casually commits to cutting business & agricultural subsidies to all but the major companies and with UK mainland businesses taking precedence. EU subsidies available to all NI farms & businesses will disappear alongside all of the workers & human rights bestowed on EU citizens.

No wonder a top government insider like Mr Rees Mogg MP, was so keen to establish business in NI - not only to benefit from UK subsidies as prime shareholder within a large, corporate company but also, free to trade in the EU as an Irish-based company - the 'Moggs' of Britain are grinning from ear-to-ear as they get their cake and eat it via the WF-deal while doling out actually toxic-crumbs to the NI electorate as better than nothing at all when actually, the alternative of 'nothing at all' pertains only to mainland UK where the people of England & Wales voted Brexit.

Rees Mogg Irish Investment Scheme

UK Parliament & Government plans to replace UK Human Rights with a Bill of Rights/'earned' or bought 'rights', is a very serious issue, especially for the bulk of historically under-privileged native NI citizens, whom the GFA most protects - how long before the majority of native NI citizens are compelled to flee across the border? How long before any excuse is used to 'justify' replacing the soft border with a hard border once the deal is signed? 

According to current UK alleged 'Law', NI citizens will not even have a right to protest or to so much as make a noise about it. With lengthy terms of imprisonment awaiting any who break the anti-protest laws, how many NI citizens will be disenfranchised now Britain has opted to align with US law and deny voting rights to prisoners? What if, like the US, Britain also decides to deny the vote to anyone with a criminal conviction? How many criminalised peaceful protestors could find themselves disenfranchised for life because they were a 'nuisance' or 'too noisy'?

Amnesty International: 


A new Bill giving police sweeping powers - including additional powers to shut down peaceful protests - is going through Parliament. We cannot allow this to happen.

'...Research shows that 85% of Black people in the UK are not confident that they would be treated the same as a white person by the police. The ‘Police Crackdown Bill’ does not change this and will most likely make things worse. This is compounded by other parts of the bill which would disproportionately impact minoritised people and increase the racism and discrimination that is experienced by many. These include, measures to enhance stop & search and restrict the right to roam, precisely at a time when the UK Government should be working to address inequality.'

Given the relatively recent history of the troubles that blighted NI, and remnants of the vehement prejudice against native NI citizens still quietly churning behind the GFA, the future does not bode well for people at risk from a government that has granted a host of private corporations & UK authorities, illegal/fascist powers (allegedly by democratic consent), to kidnap, torture, rape and/or murder any UK citizen or group they deem as a 'threat' to their economic activities i.e. The Gambling Commission at liberty to hire armed thugs/covert-agents to spy on, abduct, torture, rape, threaten or kill, anyone e.g., running their own private gambling activities or else, journalists exposing e.g., the dangers of certain medical treatments & products, could be targeted as a risk to pharmaceutical profits of multinational corporations that fund the MHRA:

Which agencies will be able to authorise secret crimes?

MI5 and other intelligence bodies

Police forces and the National Crime agency

Immigration and Border Officers

HM Revenue and Customs, Serious Fraud Office

UK military forces

Ministry of Justice (investigations in prisons)

Competition and Markets Authority, Environment Agency, Financial Conduct Authority, Food Standards Agency, Gambling Commission and Medicines and Healthcare Regulation Authority

UK Just Went Full Authoritarian - What Is the "SpyCops" Bill?

As yet, the thoroughly confused, propagandised UK public remain largely oblivious to the brutal truth that effectively, the 'Secret Crimes/Spy-Cops' Bill, equates to a terrorist threat against anyone whose private activities or business interests are construed as competing against or threatening corporate profits & power. In all, over 15 UK authorities are granted such powers. Mr Johnson PM had the audacity to state that people are still protected by their human rights even as his government is engaged in devising a Bill to scrap those rights:

SCRAPPING the Human Rights Act will open a “Pandora’s Box of dire consequences”, risking violence in Northern Ireland and endangering women’s safety, the Government has been warned.

The EU has a duty-of-care to NI-EU citizens after NI voted 'Remain', directly because of the risks Brexit poses against the delicate peace afforded by the GFA as a vital international treaty: 

The native, largely Catholic NI citizens, have traditionally suffered an extremely raw deal during British occupation of their land with native Irish citizens formerly condemned to political, social & economic apartheid; what guarantee does the Windsor Framework provide to assure the NI electorate that they will fare well and prosper under what amounts to, totalitarian British rule via a Parliament that has legalised acts of terrorism against its own citizens? 

The answer is, no guarantee at all, and at no point is there any mention in the WF of public transparency or accountability except, to the corporations and their shareholders. 

The EU cannot fail to ignore the reality that in accepting the Windsor Framework, they are agreeing to blindly trust that the welfare of their NI-EU citizens will be safe in hands of the Corporate Crown, which has effectively seized control of mainland Britain & UK Parliament with published plans to transform England into a tax-haven i.e. "Singapore On The Thames" (initially titled by ex Singapore banker Sajid Javid), and simultaneously, to scrap just about every right and safeguard currently protecting all other EU citizens and this includes, environmental protections such as rivers & coastlines being clear of raw sewage and the array of toxic chemicals presently suspected as responsible for killing Britain's shellfish & seabirds and decimating coastal livelihoods - a situation that does also, threaten Southern Ireland/SI coastlines & rivers too.

From raw sewage to agricultural run-off, discover what’s causing the UK water quality crisis and why.

Because NI citizens' Human Rights can in no way be guaranteed by mainland Britain, signing up to the Windsor Framework amounts to an existential threat against the bulk of NI citizens' physical, psychological & economic health and social security.

The idea that native NI citizens can have passes to move freely across the SI border, is no solution as it establishes potential for all manner of abuses and deepening social divisions which, are inevitably vulnerable to being exploited toward providing 'justifications' for a hard border at some point in the very near future. 

It is fair and therefore preferable, that British mainlanders instead, require passports to enter NI as well as SI (and likewise, NI citizens presenting passports to enter UK), with the single concession that between NI & the rest of the UK, there will be no requirement for a visa except, duty will be paid on all goods in excess of duty-free allowances.

The proposal that minus the Windsor Framework, the only other solution is a "border in the sea", is completely ludicrous. No other nation has need for a border-in-the-sea. Britain is an island and all entry points are secure at docks, rail and airports; trade with EU can very easily continue at those long-established border check-points and therefore, the WF proposals for the more streamlined checks & tariffs on goods leaving and entering into UK, are a positive concession since they are more viable for UK mainland than they are suggested as viable for the SI-NI border. 

Taking into account the potential harm and damages against NI-EU citizens and environment, as embodied within the WF proposals, other risks associated with its recommendations for managing trade, apply equally whether those happen at the NI border or between EU countries and UK mainland: Northern Ireland voted to remain an EU nation by a larger majority than voted in Britain to leave i.e. The NI vote though casually dismissed by UK Parliament, nonetheless, has to be respected by the EU as the democratic choice of a nation under occupation of a traditionally hostile force, and whose only hope of assured, continued peace, is directly threatened by Brexit.

Clearly, UK Government in ploughing ahead on the Brexit path, anxious to utilise withdrawal from the EU as justification for scrapping the many rights & laws as were initially formulated and established in post-WW2 Britain, has covertly operated to restore Crown rule via a corporately subjugated Parliament now committed to protecting first & foremost, the Crown's offshore territories and associated economic interests which, pay zero taxes to Britain or the EU, and offer minimum benefits if any at all, to the average UK citizen and which, UK Parliament has no jurisdiction over.

Is it reasonable to believe that under Corporate-Crown rule, native NI citizens will not suffer even worse than those on the UK mainland, or that mainland political and economic interests will not abuse the powers afforded by the WF, to e.g., squeeze Sinn Féin out of office and ultimately, rendering the GFA, as barely worth the paper it was written on?

All of the evidence supports the lawful suspicion that the Tory-imposed Brexit referendum, was a consciously-led political assault against the UK populous and with a direct intent to seriously damage Britain’s democracy, & economy, erase workers & human rights, dump animal welfare & environmental protections, and to severely intimidate the most vulnerable social groups within that population; those 'most vulnerable social groups' do include the native Irish citizens of Northern Ireland:

‘The European Union defines terrorism for legal/official purposes in Art. 1 of the Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism (2002).[49] This provides that terrorist offences are certain criminal offences set out in a list consisting largely of serious offences against persons and property that;

…given their nature or context, may seriously damage a country or an international organisation where committed with the aim of: seriously intimidating a population; or unduly compelling a Government or international organisation to perform or abstain from performing any act; or seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organisation.’

The bottom line here is that effectively, under auspices of the Windsor Framework, Northern Ireland faces the terrible prospect of being integrated into the Crown's latest tax-haven territory as part of its plans for mainland Britain. The Crown's tax havens do not do democracy - governance in Jersey, for example, operates autocratically. Therefore, in agreeing to the WF 'deal', the EU is knowingly accepting the very real probability that Northern Ireland will lose its freedom as a democracy:

Now it is official: we are to become Singapore-on-Thames

The Times January 18 2021, reports:

A government source said that Mr Johnson was pushing for Britain to become a low-tax, low-regulation regime like Singapore. Last month Mr Johnson raised the prospect of tax cuts for entrepreneurs. He told a Facebook question-and-answer session: “We’ll be looking at the tax environment and the regulatory environment and everything we can do to encourage and support business.”(sic)

Tax Havens or your health, education, pension and family:

‘Tax havens are a bolthole for major corporations and the rich elite enabling them to evade/avoid taxes, responsibilities and regulation in their host countries. They enable major corporations to hold societies to ransom and encourage corruption and degradation of the quality of life in other jurisdictions.‘

Furthermore, as Brexit begins to bite hard, major social unrest on UK mainland is inevitable. With UK government's published plans to roll-out Martial Law as a means to silence mass dissent, how will the people of NI fare under Martial Law? We cannot ignore the fact that Martial Law includes curfews, lockdowns and heavily restricted freedom of movement; how will the GFA operate under rule of Martial Law?

‘Martial Law: An emergency plan being drawn up would see sweeping powers exercised under the Civil Contingencies Act if there is unrest such as rioting, according to reports.

‘”There is nothing that can replicate the scale of chaos threatened by a no-deal Brexit, which will be about a thousand times worse than the volcanic ash cloud crisis. The only thing that would be comparable would be something like a major Europe-wide war.” And yesterday, health secretary Matt Hancock confirmed the government was drawing up plans to impose martial law and curfews in a no-deal Brexit.‘


How many of those UK Government body bags will be required for the people of Northern Ireland? 

Who is most truly facing a 'democratic deficit' under the Windsor Framework, if not every single NI citizen - what contingencies are in place to address this?

Will the proposed 'Stormont Brake' suffice to save human rights and lives? Not at all, in fact, the Stormont Break is set to ensure that any new EU rules & regulations are strictly monitored in order to identify and minimise potential legislative risks against corporate interests. 


In light of the points highlighted herein, it is profoundly important that the EU refuses to deny NI citizens their human, workers, democratic, health & safety, and environmental rights as guaranteed under EU Law, indeed, were the EU to acquiesce to the WF, every NI citizen will have a lawfully valid claim for major compensation from EU Parliament via the ECHR, due directly to the fact that the democratic & human rights of NI citizens are discriminated against, in favour of tax-free corporate-profits via providing an easy trade route for a nation, whose government has callously decided to leave the EU for no other purpose beyond assuring continued tax-free, financial prowess to the Corporate State of 'London City' as a law-unto-itself, and as the independent capital of all the Crown's offshore territories, soon to include also, mainland UK, and in that process, condemning the bulk of Britain's 60+ million populous to '3rd-World' level hardships & poverty under rule of what amounts to, neo-colonialist fascism.

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Documentary Film

'Michael Oswald's film The Spider's Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.'

Food banks for NHS staff? The Tories are taking us back to Victorian Britain

It’s recreating the tropes of the deserving and undeserving poor – a British obsession never far from the surface while politicians trot out rhetoric about ‘hard working families.'

UK Parliament knew very well the immense risks and complications Brexit would pose in relation to Northern Ireland but decided to brush those aside as a mere triviality - doubtless, the aspirations expressed within the Windsor Framework were their plan from the start; they surely knew that plan would never be considered acceptable until the point it promised to promptly erase the pain of being bound in red-tape as has been established to date, in preference to compassionately respecting NI's choice and thereafter, organising a fair deal for Britain that includes, upholding its citizens lawful and inalienable Human Rights.

Finally; by its very title, the 'Windsor framework' reeks of monarchical absolutism; it is entirely designed to serve Corporate & Crown interests and it is in face of this undeniable reality, the EU has a lawful and ethical duty to stand by NI citizens vote in favour of remaining under jurisdiction of EU law and to benefit from all EU rights, including trade and freedom of movement throughout the EU. 

UK Parliament is obliged to shoulder the full weight of responsibility for the consequences of Brexit even if those do include loss of power over Northern Ireland. It was the Tory government under David Cameron PM that imposed the Referendum on the thoroughly misinformed and generally mystified UK populace who, by majority, had not expressed any desire to leave the EU and had absolutely no clear understanding about what they were voting for or why. 

A growing number of Conservative MPs believe Britain would be better off out of the EU and have been putting pressure on Mr Cameron to give the public a referendum. This has gained fresh momentum following the recent election success of the UK Independence Party and a string of senior Conservatives such as Lord Lawson and Michael Portillo backing Britain’s exit….’

Very few among the British public were aware that Brexit would scrap all their rights, threaten the Good Friday Agreement, and transform England into a Crown-controlled tax haven. Nonetheless, the UK public were promised a deal at least, for trade - therefore, the most that can be reasonably accepted from the Windsor Framework are its recommendations for the simplified checks & tariffs i.e., to apply instead, on mainland UK as a concession in return for conceding to respect the laws & rights of NI citizens as also, citizens of the EU, who voted by majority to REMAIN within the EU - otherwise, there really can be no deal under the Windsor Framework as it currently stands, without severely undermining the last two-plus decades of peace under the GFA.


The Belfast Agreement/GFA 1998


Northern Ireland Executive

Subsidy Control rules: quick guide to key requirements for public authorities

Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive

Democratic deficit

What is the Stormont brake and will it help restore power-sharing in Northern Ireland?


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