Prayer For Today


Thank you Sunshine for the lovely day.

Thank you Moon. Thank you Earth. Thank you Universe.

Thank you to all the plants and creatures and people.

Thank you to the Nommos (see Dogon Tribe for origins of Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, and later, Christian & Islamic concepts of God).

Thank you God/JahAnnAllah, for all your creation and the life to celebrate in love.      

                     Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

Please strengthen the hand of all who strive to establish Universal Ethics of Abundance in Compassion, so we can bring an end to tyranny and guide humanity to live intelligently.

Please forgive our transgressions as we walk through old ways while establishing the new.

May your perfect love forever be our law, our light, and our right.

Through Jesus of Nazareth, our Lord & Saviour, and in honour of beloved Prophets Isaiah & Mohammed - may peace be upon them and with us all.

With respect to Lord Krishna and the wisdom of Buddha: 



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